Touching Evil is a 1997 British television drama serial, produced by Anglia Television and screened on the ITV network. It consisted of six fifty-minute (one-hour with adverts) episodes. It was created by Paul Abbott, and written by Abbott with Russell T. Davies. The serial was very popular, and led to two sequel serials in 1998 and 1999, although these were not written by Abbott or Davies. The star was popular actor Robson Green, playing a police officer, DCI Creegan, whose injuries after a shooting leave him with strange abilities to sense criminals. Touching Evil III was co-produced by Green's own independent production company, Coastal Productions. Green's co-star was Nicola Walker, playing Creegan's colleague DI Susan Taylor.
Chloe Ayling is working with BBC Studios to tell her story after she was abducted in Italy in 2017, having traveled to Milan for a photo shoot. She was freed unharmed after six days.The series, working titled Kidnapped, will follow her ordeal from the kid