盾牌是一部近年少见的极具争议性的连续剧,它打破了传统警匪片套路,把一群警官与各种罪案做斗争的同时,也面临各种自身问题的困扰,一个个有着复杂性格的警察跃然于屏幕之上,彻底打破了“警察就是好人”这种简单而幼稚的界定... 本片获得2003年度第60届金球奖中2个奖项—— *最佳電視劇情類影集(Best Television Series – Drama) *最佳電視劇情類影集男主角(Best Performance By An Actor In A Television Series – Drama):麥克奇力【盾牌】(Michael Chiklis,The Shield)
Chloe Ayling is working with BBC Studios to tell her story after she was abducted in Italy in 2017, having traveled to Milan for a photo shoot. She was freed unharmed after six days.The series, working titled Kidnapped, will follow her ordeal from the kid