16世纪,日本爆发应仁之乱,战火瞬时蔓延全国。国内征伐不断,百姓流离失所。是时妖魔邪祟趁虚而入,祸乱人间。吸血鬼在魔王鬼源真祖的率领下大肆屠害生灵,与之相对,另有一部分吸血鬼猎人挺身而出,与这群恶魔展开斗争,彼此缠斗近400年。 20世纪70年代,猎人集团以“红盾”的名义存在,他们中的少女猎人藤本小夜(全智贤 饰)尤其出众。小夜是吸血鬼和人类结合生下的女孩,她表面上是一个16岁的普通女高中生,实际上却是年龄接近400岁的吸血鬼猎人。她受命潜入美军基地内一所美国人学校,在此结识了将军的女儿爱丽丝(Allison Miller 饰),并将其从吸血鬼的手中救出。真祖及其手下蠢蠢欲动,他们和猎人绵亘了数百年的恩怨终于要做个了断……
After discovering his blood-soaked daughter dead in the bathtub, David Bryson attends a self-help group to help save him from his ghostly nightmares. But when a group of mysterious cult-like women offer to help him resurrect his daughter. David's
A mother moves into an old family home to undergo a rigorous treatment that she hopes will help her autistic daughter communicate. The therapy seems successful when the girl miraculously begins to speak. However, she soon discovers that her daughter has c
Students who are faced with completing their seven-year-long degree program or staying one night in an infamous haunted house to graduate early, some students pay for their decision with the ultimate sacrifice…