科幻系列小说《真理之剑》(The Sword of Truth)曾经创下了全美销售量的白金记录,而由该系列的第一部《巫师第一守则》(Wizard's First Rule)改编的电视剧《探索者传说》(Legend of the Seeker)一经播出引起强烈的反响。该剧将在《指环王》三部曲拍摄的地点新西兰取景,讲述了男主角探索自身魔法力量的神秘之旅,并阻止残暴的统治者罪恶行径的故事。与之同行的还有美丽的女子凯兰和年迈的巫师佐德。该剧投资巨大,魔幻场景堪称历年罕见。该剧将于11月8日在美国联合有线电视网播出第二季。 第二季的情节将紧接第一季结尾展开,这一次主人公理查德将面对「巫师第二守则」的挑战。理查德是拉哈家族的直系后代,暗王拉哈同父异母的兄弟。他的这一身份将为他今后的冒险带来很多不确定因素。痛苦使者卡拉成为理查德、凯兰、佐德团队中的第四人,她的到来将「搅动」理查德和凯兰之间的关系。 更多精彩即将在第二季出现,让我们再次踏上魔幻的征程。
The series is based on Antonia Murphy’s unpublished memoir about an American woman who opened an ethical escort agency in New Zealand after the country decriminalized sex work. Murphy’s company aimed to protect women’s rights, well-being and financial ind
Witness protection is often glamorised as keeping innocent witnesses safe from harm but the truth is darker, murkier, and far more complex. Many protected people are themselves criminals. It’s a life of moral compromise. It also involves maximum secrecy,
eason two will dive deeper into the seductive and dangerous world of Kings Cross, Sydney, as Ibrahim expands his empire into the booming queer nightclub scene in the ecstasy-fuelled early 2000s. The stakes are higher than ever before, and everyone wants a