该剧是根据2010年俄罗斯间谍网曝光事件改编,主创本人曾于1990-94年担任中情局特工。 美苏冷战期间,里根刚刚当选美国总统后不久,一对前苏联克格勃间谍奉上级指令潜伏在美国首都华盛顿郊区伺机收集军政情报。伪装成一个美国式家庭——丈夫Philip(马修·瑞斯 Matthew Rhys 饰),妻子Elizabeth (凯丽·拉塞尔 Keri Russell 实),与一对不知道自己身事的子女13岁的女儿Paige(霍利·泰勒 Holly Taylor)和10岁的儿子Henry一起生活。FBI探员Stan(诺亚·艾默里奇 Noah Emmerich 饰)乔装成平民搬到他们隔壁对其展开调查。而同时,他们的关系随着时间的推进越来越亲密和真诚,但是冷战的升级和间谍组织对他们保持的关注和监视也在考验着他们之间的情感。更关键的是Phillip越来越适应美国的生活价值观和思维方式。
The series is based on Antonia Murphy’s unpublished memoir about an American woman who opened an ethical escort agency in New Zealand after the country decriminalized sex work. Murphy’s company aimed to protect women’s rights, well-being and financial ind
Witness protection is often glamorised as keeping innocent witnesses safe from harm but the truth is darker, murkier, and far more complex. Many protected people are themselves criminals. It’s a life of moral compromise. It also involves maximum secrecy,
eason two will dive deeper into the seductive and dangerous world of Kings Cross, Sydney, as Ibrahim expands his empire into the booming queer nightclub scene in the ecstasy-fuelled early 2000s. The stakes are higher than ever before, and everyone wants a