尽管厄尔(马丁·劳伦斯 Martin Lawrence 饰)身强体壮孔武有力,但暴躁的性格和简单的头脑让他离做个好警察的目标越来越远,在又一次闯下大祸之后,他成为了一名小保安。一次交通检查中,厄尔遇见了警察汉克(史蒂夫·茨恩 Steve Zahn 饰),脾性迥异的两人为了一点小事大打出手,导致汉克更因为厄尔的小小手段丢掉了工作也成为了一名保安。厄尔怎么也不会想到的是,正是他的手段让汉克成为了自己的同事,他们不仅在一座大厦里工作,甚至被编排在了一起做了搭档,充满了争吵的生活可想而知。 偶然中,厄尔和汉克发现了一个牵连到警方高层的特大走私团伙,秉着善良和正义的本性,两人决定不顾上级压力,誓要将真相查个水落石出,而在此过程中,威胁和危险不断的向两人靠近着。
Two college freshmen pull a "Turkey Dump" and break up with their high school sweethearts over "Drunksgiving" - the one chaotic night before Thanksgiving in their hometown that puts their codependent friendship to the t
When a reluctant bride-to-be's fiance drops dead, she insists on going ahead with the wedding anyway - much to the bewilderment of her friends and family.