“Me” follows a 12-year-old kid named Ben who is in the throes of middle school (complete with bullies, crushes and school dances!) as he adjusts to a newly blended family AND the realization that he has super powers. Throughout the 10-episode season, Ben
Set six years after the events at Camp Cretaceous, members of “The Nublar Six” are struggling to find their footing off the islands, navigating a world now filled with dinosaurs and people who want to hurt them. Reunited in the wake of a tragedy, the grou
Alex Russo(赛琳娜·戈麦斯 Selena Gomez 饰)和法力高强但处于叛逆期的年轻魔法师Billie (贾尼斯·黎恩·布朗 Janice LeAnn Brown 饰) 出现求助,打乱Justin(大卫·亨瑞 David Henrie 饰)的平静生活。但是为了保护魔法师世界的未来 ,Justin决定“出山”,训练并教导Billie好好运用魔法。
FROM unravels the mystery of a nightmarish town that traps all those who enter. As the unwilling residents fight to keep a sense of normalcy and search for a way out, they must also survive the threats of the surrounding forest – including the terrifying
菲比和瑞秋的公寓已经修复完毕,菲比搬回了公寓,瑞秋继续和乔伊住在一起。乔伊在《Days of Our Lives》剧组里得到了一个角色。就在钱德勒和摩妮卡的婚礼前一夜,钱德勒突然临阵畏缩,逃走躲了起来。他走了之后,菲比在卫生间找了一支显示有孕的验孕棒,从而断定摩妮卡有了身孕。菲比和罗斯在办公室找到了躲藏起来的钱德勒并说服他回来,回来后他听到了菲比与瑞秋的窃窃私语——摩妮卡怀孕了!最后钱德勒和摩妮卡顺利完婚,但摩妮卡却说自己并没有怀孕时。那么,怀孕的人难道是瑞秋吗?
在第六季中,家族成员的生活遭遇戏剧性的变化,Earl of Grantham在拜访了一位靠着变卖家当以维持生计的邻居之后,意识到他必须精简开支。为了省钱,夫妇二人无奈遣散了家中的仆人。为了学会自己照顾自己,从穿衣到做饭,他们都需要自己动手。令人吃惊的是,推动这一改变的正是家族的大家长Earl of Grantham。他意识到家族的命运开始走向衰落。为了维护摇摇欲坠的庄园,他们需要付出一些代价,那就是家族的成员们不能再像以前那样奢侈地生活……