瑞贝卡(泰莉莎·帕尔墨 Teresa Palmer 饰)早早离开了母亲索菲(玛丽亚·贝罗 Maria Bello 饰),独自生活,之后索菲和保罗(比利·伯克 Billy Burke 饰)结婚,瑞贝卡有了一位名为马丁(加布里埃尔·贝特曼 Gabriel Bateman 饰)的同母异父的弟弟。然而,保罗在一场事故中死于非命,索菲因此陷入了悲伤和绝望之中,与此同时,马丁发现,妈妈常常会对着黑暗窃窃私语,似乎那里隐藏着一位“不速之客”。精神备受折磨的马丁向瑞贝卡求助,瑞贝卡因此想起了自己童年时代发生过的与此极为相
When his housemate dies under mysterious circumstances, Nic Cross inherits a mysterious pyramid-shaped contraption left at the scene, unwittingly summoning a cult of wolf-people who dwell in the dark underbelly of London. As Nic's path crosses wi
The story of a group of teenagers in small town Texas who unleash a deadly force after playing the famous game in an abandoned house where a grisly massacre once took place.