剧团导演正在与舞者们排演弗兰明戈舞蹈版的《莎乐美》,预演排练,分工调度,各抒己见。终于,这场致命的绝伦之舞上演了。美艳的少女莎乐美(阿伊达·戈麦兹 Aída Gómez 饰)的母亲希罗底(卡门·维莱那 Carmen Villena 饰)原本是希律王(帕科·莫拉Paco Mora 饰)的嫂子,在杀害自己丈夫后改嫁希律王。施洗约翰(哈维尔·托卡 Javier Toca 饰)为此谴责了她,希罗底怀恨在心。施洗约翰试图阻止这段婚姻,被希律王囚禁。情窦初开的莎乐美在施洗约翰面前跳起充满崇拜之情的示爱之舞,却遭到拒绝
Rimini, 1991. For more than a year, the uno bianca gang - they always use a white Fiat Uno - has plagued the area. Their crimes are violent, sometimes killing carabineri, and there's no particular pattern: a bank one day, a petrol station the nex