Just as Jon Voight's on-target portrayal of controversial sportscaster Howard Cosell) in the 2002 biopic Ali was making the theatrical rounds, actor John Turturro offered his own spin on "Humble Howard" in the made-for-cable mov
Barnaby and Maxine Pierce’s son is getting married in California and they decide to drive across the country to attend. Along the way they reflect on their tattered relationship and the events that transpired to create the estrangement.
1942年4月,二战期间,大西洋上,德军战舰采取“狼群”战术,令盟军损失惨重。美国海军上尉泰勒(马修•麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰)因抗敌表现出色,曾被许诺晋升艇长,但是却因故不能如愿。这时突然传来敌情,泰勒临危受命,登上S-33老爷级潜艇执行秘密任务,指挥官为上尉迈克(比尔•帕克斯顿 Bill Paxton 饰),同行的还有哈什(哈威•凯特尔 Harvey Keitel 饰)上尉和库南少校等。经过勘察,一艘德军受创潜艇U-571,正在发出求救信号。S-33的任务是伪装成一艘德军的维