The eighth season of the British spy series "MI-5," which follows secret agents as they
Season four of espionage drama "MI-5" finds the team reeling from the loss of Danny (Dav
In season six of the British espionage thriller, the team are pushed to their limits, as the relat
The British espionage drama "MI-5", provides more shocking twists and turns in its third
Danny Reed被雷电击中,醒来却发现,自己被困在一个女人的身体里。取代没有前程、脏兮兮的五金商店工人生活,“他”交换到Veronica Burton的丰富多彩的女性时尚记者生活。Danny突然间必须要学会穿高跟鞋走路,应付Veronica的男朋友Jay的柔情蜜意,把自己转变为时尚专家,还要努力寻找“他”原来的自我。当“他”发现Veronica与Ali别有恋情,“他”的双重生活就变得更为复杂。不过当“他”作为一个时髦、高挑而有魅力的Veronica重访“他”原来的五金商店时,“他”又看到新生活的优势。