Inspired by Michael Powell’s critically acclaimed nonfiction sports novel Canyon Dreams, as well as the groundbreaking New York Times articles that preceded it, Rez Ball explores the raw and exhilarating world of “reservation basketball” with its unique,
在不远的2033年,六家科技公司运营虚拟现实酒店,将死之人可以“上传”其中安享后世。紧巴巴过日子的诺拉蜗居纽约布鲁克林,并为“豪丽禅·湖景(Horizen Lakeview)”豪华数字身后世界提供
CIA的反恐行动已经接近尾声,Joe(佐伊·索尔达娜 Zoe Saldana 饰)、Kaitlyn(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)和Byron(迈克尔·凯利 Michael Kel
CIA的反恐行动已经接近尾声,Joe(佐伊·索尔达娜 Zoe Saldana 饰)、Kaitlyn(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)和Byron(迈克尔·凯利 Michael Kelly 饰)招募了一名新特工来潜入一个以前不为人知的威胁。随着来自各方的压力越来越大,Joe作为“母狮”计划的领导者,必须做出巨大的个人牺牲。
John Alexander’s wife, Helen, has left him for her lesbian lover. As she speeds away from their ma
In San Francisco, the sportsman Kay Hoog tells to the members of a club that he has found a messag