After his father was beheaded by ninjas in Banyuwangi '98, Rahayu was traumatized to the point
★越南賣座突破1084億,榮登越南影史最賣座恐怖片 ★改編自越南民間傳說「戴帽子的狗」 ★「越南百萬DJ天后」Mie首度演出恐怖片 阿南(吳光俊 飾)的家族世世代代從事狗肉屠宰業,因為不
为了拯救罹患重病的母亲,女大学生米拉(莫迪埃夫罗西娜 饰)跟一群朋友前往偏远的山村「舞者村」,要将母亲收藏的手环归还给守护当地的妖怪「巴达拉乌希」(奥若拉莎拉 饰),结果却意外引发一连串恐怖的遭遇
The DEA is alarmed by the expansive growth of El Chapo's drug empire. Don Sol forges a new all
Set at the start of Covid, Family Portrait follows a family on an idle but hectic morning when the
Vera and André are a couple who get the chance to pitch their business at a prestigious competitio
《Boyscation Too》是香港制作的男同性恋者恋爱真人秀综艺节目,亦系香港无线电视真人秀节目《仔仔一堂》的第二季,由王贤志主持,2024年10月7号到11月1号逢周一至周五晚间22:30起