A coal mine in the Donbas region is infiltrated by a haywire cult that invites members to sacrific
It is a great film by a great director.Kira Muratova has never been given her due in the Soviet an
The spirit of a comatose teenage girl possesses the body of a newcomer to her girls boarding schoo
Mannheim-Heidelberg International Filmfestival YearResultAwardCategory/Recipient(s) 1969 Won Gra
故事发生在1967年的布拉格,圣诞节即将来临,家家户户都沉浸在节日的喜悦气氛之中。16岁的少年米修(迈克尔·贝兰 Michael Beran 饰)暗恋着邻居家的女孩金德诺(克里斯蒂娜·科胡托娃 K