David Attenborough再次联合BBC推出全新纪录片,由《行星地球》团队倾力打造,全方位展现动物在觅食过程中的戏剧性一刻,并首次披露南美水濑,座头鲸的猎食行为,更借用了电影、戏剧中的片段,力求给观众一个具有说服力的印象。 摄制组的足迹遍布雨林,冻土层,海洋,草原,极地,典型生态环境一网打尽,还记录了各路科学家以及环保人士对保护濒危动物所做出的努力。 由《地心引力》的作曲家Steven Price作曲。
Chloe Ayling is working with BBC Studios to tell her story after she was abducted in Italy in 2017, having traveled to Milan for a photo shoot. She was freed unharmed after six days.The series, working titled Kidnapped, will follow her ordeal from the kid