History宣布直接预订10集UFO题材剧《蓝皮书 Blue Book》,该剧由David O’Leary执笔,根据现实美国空军的研究计划所改篇,背景50-60年代。在当时美国兴起一股UFO的热潮,美国空军为调查UFO而成立了蓝皮书计划/Project Blue Book来作相关研究。 剧集讲述一个聪明的大学教授J. Allen Hynek被空军招揽,并由他处理蓝皮书计划中多达数千的未解案件,每一集皆会引用真实的案件,把UFO事件与美国那段具神秘感的历史结合起来。
The series is based on Antonia Murphy’s unpublished memoir about an American woman who opened an ethical escort agency in New Zealand after the country decriminalized sex work. Murphy’s company aimed to protect women’s rights, well-being and financial ind
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eason two will dive deeper into the seductive and dangerous world of Kings Cross, Sydney, as Ibrahim expands his empire into the booming queer nightclub scene in the ecstasy-fuelled early 2000s. The stakes are higher than ever before, and everyone wants a
简介: History宣布直接预订10集UFO题材剧《蓝皮书 Blue Book》,该剧由David O’Leary执笔,根据现实美国空军的研究计划所改篇,背景50-60年代。在当时美国兴起一股UFO的热潮,美国空军为调查UFO而成立了蓝皮书计划/Project Blue Book来作相关研究。 剧集讲述一个聪明的大学教授J. Allen Hynek被空军招揽,并由他处理蓝皮书计划中多达数千的未解案件,每一集皆会引用真实的案件,把UFO事件与美国那段具神秘感的历史结合起来。